After four years, we are here again with the long-awaited professional course Sommelier and gastronomy. A preliminary survey of participation decided that the course will take place in eastern Slovakia, right in the heart of the Tokaj wine-growing region. The reason for this is a number of significant changes that our oldest and smallest wine-growing region has experienced in the field of viticulture (new plantings and reconstruction of vineyards), winemaking (new operational projects in Tokaj), gastronomy and agro-tourism. The course will take place on May 9-12, 2022 in the premises of the Tokajský house in the Ostrožovič winery. You can find the program with the course application on the organizer's official website: in the Wine courses section. Those interested can request applications to be sent by email to: The deadline for applications is April 30, 2022. Course lecturers: Ing. Vladimír Hronský, oenologist, accredited lecturer and professional guarantor of sommelier courses; Ján Dudáš, executive chef, who worked as a sous chef for the Grand Hotel Praha in Tatranská Lomnica; Peter Červeň, head sommelier and specialist in gastronomy. A rich professional and accompanying program awaits course participants. We look forward to meeting you at Tokaj!

03.04.2022 EnoVia Admin